Lil' Tony's Videography Hobby

Tips, tricks, insights, and inspirations for anyone interested in videography. No real "expertise" here, just JoeSkater with a JVC miniDV camera. But JoeSkater with a desire to make better home movies than JoePublic.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Not a Slacker!

OK OK OK . . . so I haven't touched this blog since April... but if you read the Concretins blog, you know why. However, after getting many comments on the StreetGrip in action-from pro skaters even, and pointing people here with address cards, I guess I should get busy. I'm not ready to post a real update just yet, but again, I have NOT given up on this blog... I've been busy! I need to do a short vid for this weekend, and I will try to get the pics of the other grip builds done at the same time. Thanks for not yellin' at me.


At 1:30 PM, Blogger David Wu said...

Hope to get Micah out skating w/you Concretins sometimes -- Dave WU

At 6:00 AM, Blogger David Wu said...

Hey Nikoli -- here is some mini comp info for anyone you might know who likes competitions. It is a small 2ft high, 16 ft wide mini: APRIL 12th, 2008 at the VOID Skateshop
(518 E. High St. Lexington 859-231-8643)

All ages, Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced/ sponsored half pipe contest.

Two 1 minute runs, start practicing.

DJs, Pizza and prizes. Starts at 6 pm and it costs $10 to enter.

All riders under 18 years of age MUST have notarized liability waiver on file to enter contest.

At 5:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice! Hahaha

At 4:16 PM, Blogger David Wu said...

Hey Nikoli,

I got approval for skateboarding to be in the 2011 Bluegrass State Games July 22-24 Fri bowl, Sat Street, Sun Mini. Any chance I could hook up w/some cretins to get your input on an old school division?

David Wu


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